Cam Newton to the Patriots | Welcome Back Pats

Cam’s & New England’s best-case scenario unfolded in front of our eyes.

Billy B gets a former MVP to prove he was the force behind the Patriots machine for the last two decades. Cam gets the greatest coach of all time and a second chance. It doesn’t hurt that the defense is elite.

In the wake of the signing, media outlets across the country weighed in on the connection, and of course, ESPN shared plenty of opinions, but this one, what?

The addition of Cam is similar to that of Randy Moss??

ESPN>>Cam New Joining Patriots has Similarities to Randy Moss in 07′

If you mean they’re both former elite players looking for a bounce-back sure, but that is clearly the extent of the comparison. One was a WR joining the greatest quarterback of all time, the second is a solid quarterback joining an average offense with an average supporting cast. Slow season folks.

I for one though am stoked to see what happens!